Be it a marketer or a business owner, content marketing has shaped into a necessity for everyone. For any new brand, reaching a large pool of target audience is a victory that precedes any marketing goal that has to be achieved. Once your brand is established in the reader’s mind, receiving customers is just a matter of time. But that’s the main challenge. To be at the top of their list of considerations, you as a brand must ensure to create content pieces that are not only engaging but also leave the readers wanting for more. The main idea is to achieve maximum exposure for the brand on all platforms.
However, what’s the approach that you have to take for your brand? Will you think like a millennial or be ready to move towards the new-gen thought process i.e. like Gen Z. through the generations. The choice is tough, but if you are at the same fork as any other brand owner or marketer who is trying to decide between the two approaches, we got you covered.
If we begin to observe the patterns of content marketing done by the millennials, one would realise that it is rather traditional. In fact, the mediums chosen by them come from a legacy-driven understanding of marketing. As their intent was focused on building credibility over creativity, their first choice was always printed content. However, with time and exposure to new platforms, the millennial thinking process moved towards Social Media. But this understanding was very limited when it came to platforms.
The group of millennials, who were able to get the best out of content marketing where the companies/brands who took the call of outsourcing content marketing services to agencies that came with a deeper understanding of content. There is no uncertainty in the fact that shifts are happening in media consumption periodically. Yet, there are a couple of ideal ways to deal with it and publicise the content effectively. The challenges in the content marketing league of the millennials are:
Acustoming to the new media content marketing or the technological advancements in the media.
Reaching out to other audience clusters apart from the target audience.
Refrained budgets and lowered funds make it impossible to take chances and try something new/creative.
They were unable to consider expanding the approach to other audiences as their content marketing models were quite particular.
But these challenges were resolved with the new generation stepping in. In simple words, the content marketing approach that was devised by the Gen Z marketers was modern and adaptable. The main cause behind this development is the increased understanding of technology and awareness that was built thanks to the advent of new modern processes of creating, analysing, and promoting content.
Gen Z marketers preferred to keep their strategy as an amalgamation of various channels and modes of marketing content. Their aim is to provide higher quality and quantity of simple yet effective content for their target audience base. They prioritise reaching over profits and they aspire to build their brand first and then confidently convert the target audience into consumers with targeted content.
Unlike millennials, the Gen Z audience has developed an interest to create value-adding content which might not suit the conventional style of marketers. All of their content is evenly distributed on online platforms like Snapchat, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, while ensuring to experiment on newer platforms like WhatsApp, Clubhouse, etc. In contrast to the Millennials, the content published and marketed by Gen Z is:
An extremely creative and dynamic way of creating content.
Adaptable and efficient in thinking of new and unique ideas and employing tools for their strategy.
Ready to experiment and use a trial-and-error method until significant results are visible.
The content curation is fairly flexible and variations in the subject material are allowed too.
The newer advances in the media run parallel with their thinking style, giving space for improvement and adaptation.
After drawing a comparison between the two styles of content marketing, one can roughly put forth an estimate that the productivity of content marketing adapted by the new generation is far more efficient than the processes used by the millennials. While there are a lot of aspects that are derived from the conventional methods followed by millennials. In the end, whatever media you pick, make sure that your base content is appealing. So in a nutshell, the way you plan your Content is the key to your marketing strategy’s success!