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6 Common Content Marketing Mistakes that Brands Make

Content Marketing Mistakes

Content marketing is a powerful tool that can generate valuable results if used optimally.  

Like in every field, content marketing has its pitfalls too.

The best way to avoid them or tackle them is to first be aware of them. Now, they may seem like no-brainers, but you would be amused at how many content marketing strategies fail because they are not able to overcome these silly mistakes. Here are a few common content marketing mistakes that you as a brand can easily steer clear of.

Not having a clear plan in mind.

It’s quite common to be too invested in an idea to see how it’s going to pan out for you. If you thought writing a couple of blogs per day would give you enough to succeed, you are mistaken. Content marketing needs much more than that. You have to offer quality content and not just quantity. Look at popular viral websites like ScoopWhoop and Storypick who seem to mirror each-others posts and creative layouts often, in real time and this point might just make more sense. Besides this, there has to be a structure to your content marketing. Without a plan and goal in mind, you would just be shooting in the dark. You need to be relevant to your audience, be able to measure your efforts and be flexible enough to change your course of action, if things don’t seem to be working out.

Sticking to just one medium.

Think that blog posts are the only medium to get your content marketing message across? Think again. Content marketing is constantly evolving and it is important for you to be aware of the different mediums available. This will help you choose the right one to get your message across. If an infographic or video will help your cause better, give it a shot. There are multiple mediums available today ranging from eBooks, mailers, PDFs, slide decks, online courses, how-to guides and so on. If you want to understand this better though, a quick peek into LinkedIn’s Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to Content Marketing [eBook] is sure to come handy.

Targeting the wrong audience.

It is quite sad to witness some great content marketing work going to waste because it wasn’t addressed to the right audience. If your work is good, but not relevant to the person you are targeting that effort is going to go down the drain. Generalising the audience is something you should completely avoid. It’s best to understand who your target audience, what are the interests and then use content marketing to your advantage. For this, you can carry out surveys and even group discussions.

Forgetting to promote content.

As a brand, if you’ve invested to create some great content, it is only wise to promote it at the right time. This way you can reach your target audience and become relevant in their life. For this, you can use social media or tap into different forums as well. A top trending way to promote content is through influencers that have a huge fan following. Brands like Raw Pressery and Red Bull have this figured. But there is a catch. While promoting content, remember that you need to be relevant at all times.

Trying too much.

If you plan to do just about everything from blogging, guest blogging, vlogs, social media, Twitter, LinkedIn and so on, you get lost in trying to keep up. Sometimes it’s better to choose the medium you are good at and excel in that. Then you can slowly branch out and explore further. The same goes for the kind of topics you choose, if you write about everything under the sun, then how will you become an expert?

Craving for instant results.

The phrase, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’, could not have been apter to describe the current scenario. If you have just started exploring content marketing, give it sometime before you expect some ground-breaking results. The idea is to create content hubs that you own. A good example of this can be the Start Healthy Stay Healthy initiative by Nestle. You have to be calm and patient while you work on some great content that is backed by SEO.

When you do the right things and explore as well, you will attain success!  Keep an eye on content marketing will always evolve, and you have to be smart enough to catch on. 

This article first appeared on Social Samosa and features Yellow Seed | The Content Company 

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